58 Lessons 7 Parts. (7th-10th More Difficult). Part 1 is about Matter and has 12 Lessons and 21 Page Work Bundle. Part 2 is about Gas Laws and has 7 Lessons and 13 Page Work Bundle. Part 3 is about Forms of Energy and has 7 Lessons and 17 Page Work Bundle. Part 4 is about the Electromagnetic Spectrum and has 8 Lessons and 13 Page Work Bundle. Part 5 is about Electricity and has 5 Lessons and 13 Page Work Bundle. Part 6 is about Magnetism and has 4 Lessons and 8 Page Work Bundle. Part 7 is about the Environment contains 11 Lessons and 27 Page Work Bundle.
Matter, Energy, and the Environment Unit

Part 1: Matter: 11 Lessons of 50 minutes and 21 Page Follow Along Work Bundle. Matter, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures, Homogeneous Mixtures, Heterogenous Mixtures, Separating a Mixture Activity, % Composition of a Mixture, % Difference Obtained from Mixture, Solvents, Solutes, Solutions, Supersaturation, Soda Store Project where student create and market a brand of Soda for Scientists, Laws Conservation of Matter, Activities about Laws Conservation of Matter, Open Systems, Closed Systems, Kinetic Molecular Theory, States of Matter, Plasma, Bose Einstein Condensates, Phase Change, Phase Change Lab, Ice Cream Making Activity, Physical vs. Chemical Change, Physical Properties, Intensive Physical Properties, Extensive Physical Properties, Graphing and fun Activities that explore Physical Properties, Surface Tension, Adhesion, Cohesion, Volatility, Games, Crossword, Assessment
Part 1 Work Bundle that follows the detailed and interactive set of slideshows above
Part 1 Matter Quiz Game with Answer Version that concludes lessons above
Lesson from Part 1 about Law Conservation of Matter that follows the Work Bundle

Part 2: Gas Laws: 7 Lessons of 50 minutes and 21 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Charles Law, Charles Laws Activity, Boyles Law, Boyles Laws Activity, Avogadro’s Laws, Temperature and Pressure Relationship, Ideal Gas Laws, Pascals Law, Hydraulics Activity, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids, Viscosity, Viscosity Olympics Activity, Archimedes Principle, Making a boat with Foil Activity, Making a Cartesian Diver Activity, Games, Crossword, Assessment
Part 2 Follow Along Work Bundle that supports the Slideshows below
Part 2 Gas Laws Quiz Game with Answer Version
Viscosity Lesson from Part 2 that is supported by the Work Bundle

Part 3: Forms of Energy: 7 Lessons of 50 minutes and 15 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Law Conservation of Energy, Forms of Energy, Forms of Energy Flow Chart, Sound Activity / Listening Trial, Thermodynamics, Thermal Energy, 1st Law of Thermodynamics, 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics, 3rd Law of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Convection Activity, Conduction Lab, Radiation Lab, Nuclear Energy, Fusion, Fission, Review Quiz, Games, Crossword, Assessment
Part 3 Forms of Energy Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows
Part 3 Forms of Energy Quiz and Answer Version
Heat Transfer Lesson that supports the Follow Along Work Bundle

Part 4: Energy, Waves, EM Spectrum: 8 Lessons of 50 minutes and 14 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, EM Spectrum: Energy Waves, Types of Waves, Mechanical Waves, Longitudinal Waves, Transverse Waves, Waves Flow Chart, Primary Wave, Secondary Wave, Surface Wave, Light, Refraction Diffraction, Scattering of Light, Absorption, Transmission, Reflection, Lenses and Optics, Converging and Diverging Light, Convex and Concave Lenses, Wave Particle Duality, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Mechanical vs Electromagnetic Waves, Radio wave, Microwaves, Infrared Waves, Visible Light, Ultraviolet, X-Rays, Gamma Rays, Radioactive Decay, Ionizing Waves, Radar, Laser, Games, Crossword Puzzle, Assessment
Part 4 Energy Waves, EM Spectrum Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows
Part 4 Energy Waves, EM Spectrum Quiz Game with Answer Version that concludes learning
Part 4 Lesson about Types of Waves that supports the Work Bundle

Part 5: Electricity: 5 Lessons of 50 minutes and 12 Page Follow Along Bundle, Definition of Electricity, Particles, Electrons, Static Electricity, Van DeGraaff Generator, Coulombs Law, Faraday Cage, Current, Conductors, Semiconductor, Insulator, How Batteries Work, Direct Current, Alternating Current, Advantages of Alternating Current, Amps, Volts, Watts, Ohms / Resistance, Ohms, Circuits, Designing a Circuit, Building a Circuit, Crossword, Assessment
Part 5 Electricity Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 5 Electricity Quiz Game / Assessment that concludes the Slideshow roadmap below.

Part 6 Magnetism: 5 Lessons of 50 minutes and 7 page Follow Along Work Bundle, Magnets, Magnetic Fields, Charges, Build a Floating Magnet contraption, Build a Linear Magnetic Accelerator, Earth’s Magnetic Field, Using a Compass, Compass Outdoor Activity, Electric Motors, Building an Electric Motor, Electromagnets, Building and Electromagnet, Crossword, Assessment
Part 6 Magnetism Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 6 Magnetism Lesson that follows the Supportive Work Bundle

Part 7: The Environment: 11 Lessons of 50 minutes and 25 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Keys to Environmental Study, First Law of Thermodynamics, Energy Flow, Energy used to make our products, Non-renewable Energy, Materials Economy, Issues in the Environment, Low Canal Case Study, Columbite-tantalite, Cobalt, Tragedy of the Commons, Resource Allocation, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Reinvent, Frugality, Human Population Growth, Anthropogenesis, Carrying Capacity, Ecological Niche, Fundamental Niche, Realized Niche, Limiting Factors R and K Species, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Architecture Project, Solutions, Crossword, Assessment
Part 7 The Environment Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 7 The Environment Quiz Game that concludes the Slideshow roadmap below
Part 7 Lesson about Frugality that supports the Work Bundle

44 Lessons, 6 Parts (8th-10th Most Difficult).
Part 1 is about the Atom and has 6 Lessons and 14 Page Work Bundle. Part 2 Explores inside the Atoms and has 5 Lessons and 12 Page Work Bundle. Part 3 examines the Atomic Theory / Electron and has 8 Pages and 16 Page Work Bundle. Part 4 is about Moles, Subscripts, and Equations and has 6 Lessons and 14 Page Work Bundle. Part 5 is about Reactions and Atomic Bonding and has 10 lessons and 32 page Work Bundle. Part 6 is about the Periodic Table and contains 8 Lessons and 20 Page Work Bundle.
Atoms and Periodic Table Unit

Part 1: Atoms: 6 Lessons of 50 minutes and 12 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Atoms and Periodic Table: Understanding the Size of Atoms, Atoms are mostly empty space, Structure of the Atom, Charged Particles, Early Experiments with the Atom, Cathode Ray Tube, Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment, Fundamental Particles of the Atom, Proton, Neutron, Electron, Mass and Charge of Particles, Quiz, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Atomic Cloud, Atomic Number, Atomic Symbol, Atomic Mass, The Nucleus, Isotopes, Finding the number of Neutrons in an Atom, Atoms and the Periodic Table Scavenger Hunt, Games, Crossword, Assessment
Part 1 Atoms and Periodic Table Unit Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 1 Atoms and Periodic Table Quiz Game that concludes the Interactive Slideshows below
Part 1 Lesson 3 from that supports the Follow Along Work Bundle

Part 2: Inside the Atom : 5 Lessons of 50 minutes and 15 Page Work Bundle. Mass of Electrons compared to Protons and Neutrons, Sub-Atomic Flow Chart, Step by Step diagram of the Fundamental Model in Particle Physics, Fermions and Bosons addressed, Higgs Boson, Quarks, Hadrons and Baryons, Integral Spin and Quarks, Gluons / Strong Force, Color Force, Exploring Particles, Flavors of Quarks, Leptons, Force Carrier Particles, Gravity, Strong Force, Weak Force, Electromagnetism, What the Force Carrier Particle Act On, Wrap-Review, Crossword
Part 2 Inside the Atom Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below

Part 3: Atomic Theory, Molecules, Electrons, Orbitals: 8 Lessons of 50 minutes and 15 Page Follow Along Work Buindle, John Dalton and his Atomic Theories, Compounds, Review of Atomic # and Atomic Mass, Finding # of Neutrons in the Nucleus, Electron Orbitals, Niels Bohr, Bohr Model, Valence Electrons, Quiz and Review, Valency and Group Placement on Periodic Table, Lewis Dot Structures, Sidewalk Chalk Activity and Orbitals, valency and reactivity, Biologically Important Atoms CHNOPS / SPONCH, Building Organic Molecules, Octet Rule, Organics Chemistry, Carbohydrates, , Lipids, Hydrocarbons, Alcohol, Whoosh Bottle Demo, Amino Acids, Electron Configurations, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Energy States, Shells, Orbitals, Electron Configuration Battleship, Review, Games, Crossword, Assessment
Part 3 Atomic Theory, Molecules, Electrons, Orbitals Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 3 Atomic Theory Quiz Game that concludes the Unit and Answer Version so students can self-Assess
Part 3 Lesson 1 Atomic Theory that follows the Supportive Work Bundle

Part 4: Moles, Molar Mass, Subscripts, Coefficients, Balancing Chemical Equations: 6 Lessons of 50 minutes and 14 Page Supportive Work Bundle, Moles, Mol, Molar Mass, Calculating Molar Mass, Molar Conversions, Subscripts and Coefficients, # of Elements in Molecules Activity Sheet, Chemical Change, Importance of Balancing Chemical Equations, How to Balance Chemical Equations, Law Conservation of Matter, Balancing Equations Sheet, Games, Review, Assessment
Part 4 Moles, Calculating Molar Mass, Subscripts, Coefficients, and Balancing Chemical Equations Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 4 Moles Quiz Game / Assessment that concludes Unit. An Answer Version is provided so students can self-assess.
Part 4 Lesson about Subscripts and Coefficients that is supported by the Follow Along Work Bundle

Part 5: Atomic Bonding, Chemical Reactions 9 Lessons of 50 minutes and 28 Page Follow Along WOrk Bundle, Chemical Change, Six Types of Chemical Reactions, Combustion, Synthesis, Steel Wool Demonstration, Decomposition Reactions, Electrolysis Demonstration, Black Snake Experiment Demonstration, Single Displace Reaction, Exploding Egg Demo, Double Displacement Reaction, Baking Soda and Vinegar Demo, Chemical Weathering with Chalk, Acid Base Reaction, Lemon Twist or Soda and Milk Demo, RXN’s Quiz, Chemical Bonding, Ionic, Metals and Non-metals, Crystal Lattice, Covalent, Ions, Cation, Anion, Neutral Atom, Electron Affinity, Precipitation Reactions, Metallic Bonds, Venn Diagram of Atomic Bonding, Acids, pH Scale, Penny Perfect Activity, Base, Neutral pH, Testing / pH Activity of common solutions, Electronegativity, Ionization Energies, Polar Covalent Bonds, Nonpolar Covalent Bond, Hydrogen Bond, Pauling Scale / Electronegativity differences, Review Quiz, Activation Energy, Enzymes and Proteins, Exothermic Reactions, Elephant Toothpaste Activity, Potential Energy, Endothermic Reaction Lab, Oxidation, Steel Wool and Vinegar Demo, Reduction, Iron and Copper on a Nail Switch a Roo activity, Games, Crossword, Assessment
Part 5 Atomic Bonding, Chemical Reactions Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 5 Chemical Reactions Quiz / Assessments that concludes the set of Interactive Slideshows below.
Part 5 Lesson 2 Types of Chemical RXN's and Quiz that supports the Follow Along Work Bundle

Part 6: Periodic Table of the Elements: 10 Lessons of 50 minutes and 19 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Periodic Table of the Elements: History of Chemistry and the Periodic Table, Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, Dmitri Mendeleev, Henry Moseley, Possible dress up and present and element Project for later in Unit, Organization of the Periodic Table, Periods vs. Family Groups, Hydrogens placement on Periodic Table, Learning the order of the first 10 elements, Electronegativity Trends, Ionization Energies, Transition Metals, Properties of Transition Metals, Malleable, Ductile, Conduction of Electricity, Melting Point, Density, Actinide Metals, Lanthanide Metals, Alkali Metals, Alkaline-Earth Metals, Noble Metals, Alkali Metals, Flame Test, Alkaline Earth Metals, Metalloids / Semi Metals, Properties of Semi-metals, Non-metals, Properties of Non-metals, Lab about Metals, Non-metals, and metalloids, Nobel Gases, Fun Nobel Gases Skit Opportunity, Halogens, Make a detailed Periodic Table Project, Element Battleship, Review, Assessment
Part 6 Periodic Table of the Elements Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 6 Periodic Table Quiz Game / Assessment that concludes the set of Interactive Slideshows with Answer Version
Part 6 Lesson 1 Periodic Table. This Lesson supports the Follow Along Work Bundle

Laws of Motion and Simple Machines Unit
Laws of Motion and Machines Unit
33 Lessons and 4 Parts (8th-10th More Difficult). Part 1 is about Newtons Laws of Motion and has 10 Lessons and 15 Page Work Bundle. Part 2 is about Potential and Kinetic Energy and contains 6 Lessons and 11 Page Work Bundle. Part 3 is about Forces in Motion and contains 7 Lessons and 18 Page Work Bundle. Part 4 is about Simple Machines and contains 10 Lessons and 19 Page Work Bundle.

Part 1: Newton's Laws of Motion 10 Lessons of 50 minutes and 15 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Newtons Laws of Motion: Energy, Newton’s First Law of Motion, Activities with Newtons 1st law, Inertia, Center of Mass, Friction, Four Types of Friction, Friction Lab, Negatives and Positives of Friction, Aerodynamics, Aerodynamic Building Challenge, Hydrodynamics, Newton’s Third Law, Newton’s Second Law of Motion, Calculating F=ma, Understanding those relationships, The Parked Car F=ma Lab, Quantities, Scalars and Vectors, Newton’s Third Laws of Motion, Third Law of Motion Lab Activity, Crossword Puzzle, Assessment
Part 1 Newton's Laws of Motion Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 1 Newton's Laws of Motion Quiz Game / Assessment that concludes the interactive slideshows below. Answer version is provided so students can self-assess
Part 1 Lesson 6 Newton's Second Law of Motion Lesson that follows the Work Bundle

Part 2: Potential and Kinetic Energy: 6 Lessons of 50 minutes and 13 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Potential and Kinetic Energy: Potential Energy, Learning the Equation PE= mgh, Calculating Potential Energy, Energy Skate Park, Bungee Jumping Egg Activity, Law of Gravitation, Egg Drop Challenge, Air Resistance, Buoyancy, Elasticity, Resistance, Kinetic Energy, Learning the Equation, Kinetic Energy Problems, Mechanical Energy, Forms of Kinetic and Potential Energy, Games, Crossword, Assessment
Part 2 Potential and Kinetic Energy Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 2 Potential and Kinetic Quiz Game / Assessment that concludes the set of Interactive Slideshows
Part 2 Lesson 2 that follows
the Work Bundle

Part 3: Forces in Motion: 7 Lessons of 50 minutes and 18 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Force in Motion: Centripetal Force, Fictitious Forces, Centrifugal Force, Quantities, Scalars and Vectors, Speed, Calculating Speed, Speed Trap Lab, Displacement, Finding Displacement, Pythagorean theorem, Graphing Displacement, Velocity, Types of Velocity, Calculating Velocity, Acceleration, Calculating Acceleration, Deceleration, Momentum, Law Conservation of Momentum, Momentum Activity, Angular Momentum, Games, Crossword, Assessment
Part 3 Forces in Motion Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 3 Forces in Motion Quiz Game and Answer Version that concludes
the Work Bundle

Part 4: Simple Machines : 10 Lessons of 50 minutes and 21 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Catapults, Marshmallow Catapult, Trajectory, Law Conservation of Energy, Efficiency, Calculating Efficiency, Work, Machines (Joules), Simple Machines, Pulley, Types of Pulleys, Finding Mechanical Advantage, Pulley Lab, Lever, Types of Levers, Lever Lab, Finding Mechanical Advantage of Levers, Wheel and Axle, Gears, Gear Ratios, Inclined Plane, Inclined Plane Lab, Activity, Introduction to Mouse Trap Cars, Wedge, Screw, Finding Mechanical Advantage of a Screw, Compound Machine, Rube Goldberg Machines, Mouse Trap Car Challenge, Games, Crossword, Assessment
Part 4 Simple Machines Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 4 Simple Machine Quiz that concludes the Work Bundle and set of interactive slideshows below

Science Skills Unit
Science Skills Unit
30 Lessons (5th-7th Medium Difficulty), 5 Parts. Part 1 is Lab Safety and Magnification and contains 7 Lessons and 17 Page Work Bundle, Part 2 is and Introduction to the Metric System and contains, 6 Lessons and 12 Page work Bundle, Part 3 Explores Base Units of the Metric System and contains 6 Lessons and 12 Page Work Bundle, Part 4 is about Volume and Density and contains 5 Lessons and 10 Page Work Bundle, Part 5 is about Observation and the Scientific Method and contains 8 Lessons and 16 Page Work Bundle

Part 1: Lab Safety and Magnification: 7 Lessons of 50 minutes and 15 Page Work Bundle, Lab Safety, Ways to be Safe in the Lab, Lab Safety Equipment and how to use it, Building a Mini Fire Extinguisher Activity, Lab Safety Quiz and Contract, Magnification, Demagnification, Light Transmission, Absorption of Light, Reflection, Scattering, and Interference, Refraction, Diffraction, Optics, Convex Lens, Concave Lens, Converging and Diverging of Light, Microscopes, Stereoscopes, Hand Lenses, Electron Microscopes, Compound Light Microscopes, Parts of a Compound Microscope, Using a Microscope and Microscope Safety, Pond Life Study
Part 1 Lab Safety and Magnification Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 1 Lab Safety and Magnification Quiz Game

Part 2: The International System of Units: 5 Lessons of 50 minutes and 12 Page Supportive Work Bundle, US Customary Units that are Familiar and their Metric Equivalents, Introduction to the International Systems of Units, Why the SI System is stronger, One Unit for each measure for each quantity, Prefixes and Scale, Decimal Based System, SI Conversions, Conversions of all types, SI Notation, Base Unit Prefixes, Using the Prefixes, Measuring, The seven SI Base Units, Temperature, Temp Conversions, Mass, Time, and other Base Units.
Part 2 SI System Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 3 International System of Units End of the Unit Quiz Game with Answer Version

Part 3: Base Units of the Metric System: 6 Lessons of 50 minutes and 11 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, US Customary Units that are Familiar and their Metric Equivalents, Introduction to the International Systems of Units, Why the SI System is stronger, One Unit for each measure for each quantity, Prefixes and Scale, Decimal Based System, SI Conversions, Conversions of all types, SI Notation, Base Unit Prefixes, Using the Prefixes, Measuring, The seven SI Base Units, Temperature, Temp Conversions, Mass, Time, Speed, Velocity, and other Base Units.
Part 3 Base Units and Measuring Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below

Part 4: Volume and Density: 5 Lessons of 50 minutes, 9 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, Mass, Metric Ton, Volume, Finding Volume of Objects and Measuring, Volume of Irregular Shaped Object by means of Water Displacement, Finding Density, Finding the Density of a Student Optional Activity, Density Quiz
Part 4 Volume and Density Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below

Part 5: The Scientific Method: 8 Lessons of 50 minutes and 14 Page Follow Along Work Bundle, What is Science?, What makes a Good Scientist, Follow Procedures, Building a Lego Vehicle Activity / Making a Procedure Activity, Types of Scientists, Observation, Inferences, Scientific Method, what is Science? What makes a good scientist? Types of Scientists, Inquiry Box Activity, Branches of Science, Scientific Method, Types of Variables, Importance of Control Group, Hypothesis, Graphing, Types of Graphs, Observations, Learning to be a Good Observer, Making Inferences, Stem Gall Fly Activity, Crime Scene Activity, Listening Trial Study
Part 5 The Scientific Method Work Bundle that chronologically follows the slideshows below
Part 5 Lesson 3 Variables Lesson that follows the Work Bundle

This curriculum includes 4 full units of study in Physical Science for students in grades 5-10. The Laws of Motion and Simple Machines Unit, Matter, Energy and Environment Unit, Atoms and Periodic Table Unit, and the Science Skills Unit. This curriculum contains 168 lessons of about 50 minutes and hundreds of pages of supportive work bundle. Each unit contains a slideshow road map that delivers a truly interactive science experience. Students follow the slideshow with a work bundle that chronologically follows daily lessons. As the teacher advances through the slideshow, students fill-in critical class notes (red colored slides), answer questions, complete diagrams, takes built-in quizzes, and much more. Exciting activities are spread throughout, and visuals in the slideshow and work bundle make set-up, and follow-up questions a snap. Lesson planning just becomes staying ahead of the class with a simple materials list. The slideshows and work bundle are designed to work together, and keeps the learning organized. Students quickly learn how the lessons run and fall into a productive routine. Besides exciting and meaningful activities, units have built-in quizzes, review games / assessments, amazing video links, step by step diagrams, graphing exercises, fun projects, answer keys, crosswords, flashcards, rubrics, self-reflection, and much more. Everything you will ever need to run an amazing year of science is included. The entire curriculum arrives in editable .doc or pptx. and updated every year on TpT. The layout of slides, highly visual mode of learning, color coding of text, one step at a time approach, and a constant built-in review keeps the students focused and motivated to excel. The students even find the end of the Part Assessment / Review Game a ton of fun. The corresponding visuals between the slideshow and work bundle allow the student to know exactly where they need to be. It's a low stress, but highly organized learning experience for everyone, and one that will engage your brightest, and struggling students alike. Every lesson and work bundle can easily be converted to a Google slideshow or Google .doc. Please view the positive feedback below and visit the curriculum tour link to learn more about this one of a kind curriculum.
The entire curriculum arrives in editable .doc or pptx. and updated every year. The layout of slides, color coding of text, one step at a time approach, and built-in review. The corresponding visuals between the slideshow and work bundle allow the student to know exactly where they need to be. It's a low stress, but highly organized learning experience for everyone, and one that will engage your brightest, and struggling students alike. Every lesson and work bundle can easily be converted to a Google slideshow or Google .doc. Please view the positive feedback below and visit the curriculum tour link to learn more about this one of a kind curriculum.
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Physical Science Curriculum (4 units of Study)
Physical Science Curriculum Guide with Links