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Weather and Climate Part 2: Air Pressure



This bundle includes 5 lessons of about 50 minutes, and 14 page work bundle that has students fill-in critical notes, conduct exciting hands-on activities about air pressure, answers questions, interpret graphs, includes games, built-in quizzes and much more. The work bundle chronologically follows the detailed slideshow for an amazing learning experience. A 20 question quiz game concludes the learning for a great review and assessment. A writable .pdf of the work bundle and answer keys are provided.


This PowerPoint begins asking the question if air has weight. A visual is provided for a demonstration with a filled balloon and triple-beam balance. Air Pressure is then presented in a series of slides. A step by step, one focus / one piece of information at time unfolds over several slides. Students learn that air pressure is equal in all directions, as elevation increases air pressure decreases and vice versa, and that air pressure is caused by the weight of the atmosphere. Several more step by step slides show how air pressure and elevation are connected. The Barometer is then introduced. An activity has students place words from a word bank into a Venn Diagram. The answers are provided after. A really neat demonstration follows called Marshmallow torture chamber that uses a bell jar vacuum and marshmallow. Teacher removes air pressure and the marshmallow gets really large. Teacher lets air back in quickly and the marshmallow shrivels up. Students are then instructed that they will be performing their own skit / air pressure demonstration to the class. The skit needs to be creative, but the demonstration and science needs to be spot on. A website link with great demonstration ideas is provided. This is always a great activity and the students always do a great job. Wind is then focused on as it is driven by air pressure. Visuals unfold in a step by step process of warm air rising (low pressure) and cool air sinking (high pressure). Students are then asked to look at a globe and find trends in warm and low pressure. The high and low pressure regions are then circled in a step by step sequence. Cold fronts are then explained and an activity where a teacher puts warm and cold water in a tank and removes a barrier in the middle is presented. (Simulated example included) Warm fronts are then explained with many visuals as well as stationary fronts and occluded. A visual PowerPoint quiz (1-10) concludes the PowerPoint that has students name the type of front from a picture. The answers are provided after the quiz. The questions is previewed one last time before the answer is revealed so the teacher can call upon students. This Unit contains everything you need to run an amazing learning experience.


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