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Soil Unit Part 1: Weathering



omplete Earth Science Unit: Weathering, Erosion, Soil Science & Glaciers


Grade Level: 5th–7th

This interactive and engaging Earth Science unit includes six 50-minute lessons with a 14-page work bundle designed for both in-class and digital learning. The unit follows a chronological, highly visual slideshow that integrates fill-in notes (red slides), videos, academic links, hands-on activities, games, puzzles, and assessments.


Key Concepts & Lesson Breakdown:

1. Weathering – Breaking Down Rocks & Soil Formation

  • Engaging chalk activity: Students break down chalk into dust to introduce soil formation.

  • Mechanical weathering: Ice wedging, root wedging, wind abrasion, animal activity, human impact, and more, with real-world examples like the Old Man of the Mountain in New Hampshire.

  • Chemical weathering: Students etch hieroglyphics on chalk and use vinegar to observe chemical weathering, linking to Cleopatra’s Needles in NYC.

  • Stalactites & stalagmites formation through a simple Epsom salt and yarn experiment.


2. Erosion & Deposition – Forces That Shape the Earth

  • Clear visuals and real-world examples of mass movement, coastal erosion, and material transport.

  • Video demonstrations and Bigfoot-themed soil creep investigation.

  • Sinkholes, landslides, and mudslides explored through case studies and engaging video links.


3. Soil Science – Composition & Properties

  • Hands-on activities examining soil color, texture, porosity, permeability, and layers (horizons).

  • Comparison of Earth vs. Mars to explore the role of weathering in planetary geology.

  • The interaction between mechanical & chemical weathering explained through interactive slides.


4. Soil Conservation – Protecting Our Most Vital Resource

  • Historical exploration of the Dust Bowl and its impact on agriculture.

  • Sustainable soil conservation techniques such as crop rotation, terracing, and contour plowing.


5. Ice Ages & Glaciers – Earth’s Frozen History

  • Types of glaciers, glacial landforms, and past Ice Ages examined through visuals and real-world examples.

  • Discussion of paleoecology and how glaciers have shaped Earth's landscapes over time.


Engaging Activities & Assessments:

  • Weathering Field Trip – Students explore their school environment to identify real-life examples of weathering.

  • Alka-Seltzer Experiment – Demonstrates how surface area affects the rate of chemical reactions.

  • Interactive Visual Quiz & Hidden Box Games – Reinforce learning through engaging review activities.

  • 125+ Slide PowerPoint Review Game – Ideal for group work, featuring built-in questions, answers, and teacher-guided discussions.


Perfect for Teachers Looking to Teach:

This comprehensive Earth Science unit is designed for 5th–7th grade classrooms and seamlessly integrates with Google Classroom for digital learning. It provides a structured yet engaging way to teach weathering, erosion, deposition, soil science, soil conservation, ice ages, and glaciers through hands-on activities, interactive slideshows, real-world case studies, and gamified assessments. Whether you're teaching in-person or remotely, this bundle makes lesson planning efficient, engaging, and effective!


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