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Part 3 Symbiosis, Plant and Animal Interactions, Invasive Exotic Species



This Lesson Contains 12 lessons of about 50 minutes and 24 page work bundle. The work bundle chronologically follows the entire set of interactive slideshows (hundreds of amazing slides). Students record fill-in notes on the red slides, answer questions, conduct hands-on activities, includes video links, built-in assessments, games, and much more. Three projects are included, the first project has the student's research and create a creepy parasite slideshow, the second project has the student design a plant that has several defense mechanisms, and an animal that is adapted to overcome those mechanisms. The third project has the students research and then created a WANTED poster for an invasive exotic species to hang around the school. The projects, slideshows, and detailed work bundle are engaging and interactive throughout. A full review game and detailed crossword puzzle concludes the learning for a great review of the entire unit and additional assessment. Everything can be uploaded to Google Classroom if you wish.


Areas of Focus within this PowerPoint

Special Feeding Relationships, Symbiosis, Parasitism, Types of Parasites, Mutualism, Types of Mutualism, Commensalism, and plant animal interactions in connections with the above feeding relationships


Brief Description

This PowerPoint begins describing the three types of symbiosis (parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism) in a step by step approach. Parasites are covered first and the importance of studying them as well as their often complicated life cycle addressed. Both endo and ectoparasites are described and student have to answer a few questions with visuals as to which picture is an endo and which is an ecto. A series of images follow after a warning to the audience. Various worms are shown and this part of the slideshow shows the disgusting side of the parasite world. Please preview before showing students as some images could be unsettling. An article with questions is provided about the sea lamprey and the great lakes with answer key and a video link. The cow bird and brood parasitism is also described and students must pick the cowbird eggs from a a group of eggs in a nest. Directions are then provided for students to create their own PowerPoint presentation of a parasite. A link to the CDC provides a giant list and students spend some time viewing parasites before creating their own parasites. I usually have the students then present their parasite slideshow as a large group and students wander completing the research portion of the supplied homework. A sample presentation is provided about scabies to provide a format for the students. Mutualism is then described, and the types of mutualism, (trophic, dispersive, cleaning, and defensive) are all described in detail with many exciting visuals / examples. Commensalism is described with more visuals and examples. Plant and animal interactions are then addressed after a walking quiz which have the students answer some multiple choice questions by walking to corners of the room before the answers are revealed. The teacher needs to label the corners of the room with letters. Animal strategies to eat plants are addressed. Leaf cutter ants and microbe farming is explored and neat video link provided. Students then see an example of a create your own cool insect that eats plants. Students then create a poster of a far out insect that must have some strategies to eat plants. Plant defense mechanisms are then described such as toxins, mechanical defenses, defensive mutualism, and more described. A neat poison ivy identification quiz has students see the plant and then tell if 10 images are poison ivy or not ivy. The answers are provided after a for fun bonus question. Students are then presented a series of poison berries vs. edible berries and must make decisions as to which are poisonous. Another project has the students create a plant that can defend off insects on a a poster. I have the students put all the plants posters in one pile, and all of the animal posters in another. I pick a plant poster, and an animal poster. The students quickly present and then rock paper scissors to see who survives to the next round. Presenting posters becomes this wacky survival / ultimate insect and plant challenge. A series of hidden box games conclude this PowerPoint that have students guess a picture hidden beneath some boxes. Each slide reveals more of the picture beneath as students guess. This is a really neat PowerPoint that will involve and challenge your students.


Thank you for your interest in this one a kind learning experience. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at




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