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Part 1 Ecology Abiotic Factors



This unit includes 13+ lessons (50 minutes each) and 32 pages of printable work bundles. The Work Bundles have students fill-in critical notes, conduct exciting hands-on activities, answer questions, interpret graphs, includes games, built-in quizzes, and much more. The work bundles chronologically follow the detailed and interactive set of slideshows. Two 20 question quiz games conclude for a great review and additional assessment. Answer Keys, materials list, video links, crosswords, built-in quizzes, and much more are provided. Everything you need to run a fantastic learning experience is provided. Everything arrives in editable format if you want add in your own slides and activities, and the slideshows and work bundles can easily be converted into Google Slides / docs for friendly Google Classroom learning.


This unit explores Ecology and Abiotic (Non-living Factors), Lesson are approximately 50 minutes each

Lesson #1 Introduction to Ecology and the Abiotic Factors.

Lesson #2 Range of Tolerance and Abiotic Factors Light - Students learn about animals range of tolerance when it comes to the non-living world. 

Lesson #3 Temperature: Student continue to work in the work bundle, The lesson investigates physiological and behavioral thermoregulation. Teacher has the opportunity to make blubber hands from rubber gloves and crisco. Amazing visuals and animal adaptations are spread throughout.

Lesson #4 Thermoregulation Hypothermia and Hyperthermia. Students learn both, starting with hypothermia. After learning behavioral and physiological adaptations to the cold.

Lesson #5 Warm and Cold Bloodedness. Students learn about warm and cold bloodedness and some the positives and negatives of each life style. They continue to work in their bundle. Some amazing videos are included.

Lesson #6 Water, This lesson examines water availability on the planet, Mt Rian Shadows, Plants adaptations to water, and examines desert life and how animals overcome limitations to available water. This is a highly visual lesson and students fill-in notes on a desert environment.

Lesson #7 Isopod Lab Set-Up. This lesson explores the scientific method and gets the students ready to begin setting up their own study that investigates a non-living factor and how it alters Isopod movement. You should purchase Pillbugs or Sowbugs from a science vendor or Amazon.

Lesson #8 Wind: Students learn about the positives and negatives of wind in regards to animals and plants. 

Lesson #9 Water Dispersal Island Biogeography: This lesson examines seed water dispersal and focuses on the distribution of the coconut. The lesson then explores Island Biogeography. 

Lesson #10 Animal Dispersal: Students learn about how animals pollinate and then disperse seeds. Amazing visuals and short videos are spread throughout. Students continue to work in their work bundle. A neat option has students go outside and try and become carriers of seeds. I live in area where plenty to seeds like to hitchhike around the school. A quiz that incorporates all of the seeds dispersal mechanisms concludes.

Lesson #11 Fire Ecology: Students learn about Fire Ecology and forest fires.

Lesson #12 Full Review Game and Crossword Puzzle. 

Lesson #13 An answer version of the review game is provided so the students can self assess. 


This is a fantastic unit that is always a lot of fun for the students.

If you have any question about this one a kind learning experience please feel free to contact us


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