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Infectious Diseases Unit Part 1 Viruses



his is a 350 slide PowerPoint presentation with built-in class notes (red slides), built-in quiz with directions and answers, fantastic visuals, video links, game template sheet, 3 page homework, answer keys, lesson notes, and much more. Also included is a 200 slide Virus PowerPoint review game with answers keys and answer template sheet.


Areas of Focus within this Unit of Study.

The unit starts off asking the students to describe a computer virus, the definition of a computer virus is explained and compared to a human virus. The next few slides describe infectious diseases includes viruses, bacteria, and parasites, a description with images of Worlwide Pandemics are described with death tolls to show the importance of understanding viruses and their transmission, A detailed description of viruses follow with images and size references to bacteria and eukaryotic cells, Definition of a virus, why viruses are considered non-living, Types of Viruses, Round / Spherical, Rod / Helical, Multi-sided / Polyhedral, and bacteriophages are described. Coronavirus Disease 2019 is case studied and students research symptoms, prevention, and other important questions about the topic from the CDC and WHO webpages. My Ebola Virus Disease PowerPoint is then included when it describes helcial viruses. Please see the description below. A 1-10 PowerPoint quiz with answers follows that has the students identify the type of virus (visual). Answers are provided at the end. Viral replication is described and includes many visuals. An activity has the students moves images to create viral replication. Lytic and Lysogenic viruses are described with visuals. Video links are provided. A hidden box game concludes the presentation where boxes are removed slowly while students guess the picture beneath. A 200 slide 20 question review game and 5 for fun bonus questions as well as a final wager question is provided after the lesson PowerPoint. This review is a great review of the entire lesson. This is a great PowerPoint that is sure to generate great discussion but also does a nice job introducing diseases and describing the basics of viruses.


This PowerPoint includes critical notes (Red Slides), exciting visuals, challenge questions, activities with directions and more. Text is usually placed at the top of the slide so it can be read from all angles of a classroom. Color coded slides, as well as a shade technique is used to increase student focus and allows the teacher to control the pace of the lesson. These PowerPoints are meant to be interactive as possible and ask many questions, provides built in review opportunities, explains directions to activities, and much more.


Ebola Virus Disease Lesson:

The PowerPoint begins with a quick review of what a virus is with visuals. An image of the Ebola virus is provided. A class worksheet with four general questions is provided. This worksheet can be filled out in class and is also intended for the provided video links. The PowerPoint then provides some general information about other Ebola strains. Transmission of the disease is provided and images of the bushmeat trade provided. The first video explores the Ebola outbreak and links it to the bushmeat trade. This video is recorded from the ground zero of the Ebola outbreak is eye opening. Your students will be grossed when they see the bushmeat market. Please preview video prior to showing with your students. Be aware of a profanity used in the video around 11:06. I just ready the mute button. A warning is provided in the slideshow. More transmission information is provided. Symptoms of the disease are provided with visuals. The PowerPoint then addresses controlling the outbreak, treatment, and the safety gear required to treat patients. A reading link that can be played with audio reviews the material in the slideshow before the second video. The second video is also shot from the ground in Liberia. This video explores the difficulty of treating this disease and much more included how the disease spreads through the population. Please preview this video prior to showing. As series of questions have the students try and find the bogus comment about the Ebola virus. A multiple choice question is provided and the students try to find the incorrect fact about the Ebola virus. Answers are provided after each questions. This is an eye opening PowerPoint and the video links will get your students up close to this disease and the outbreak in West Africa. Again, please preview as this is presentation may not be suitable for some classrooms.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at


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