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Ecology Feeding Levels Unit



This unit includes 13 lessons (50 minutes each) and 22 pages of printable work bundle. The Work Bundle has students fill-in critical notes, conduct exciting hands-on activities, answer questions, interpret graphs, includes games, built-in quizzes, and much more. The work bundles chronologically follow the detailed and interactive set of slideshows. A Quiz Game concludes the unit for a great review and additional assessment. Answer Keys, materials list, video links, crosswords, built-in quizzes, and much more are provided. Everything you need to run a fantastic learning experience is provided. Everything arrives in editable format if you want add in your own slides and activities, and the slideshows and work bundles can easily be converted into Google Slides / docs for friendly Google Classroom learning. This unit explores the concept "There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch." Student learn the 6 big concepts in Eco Literacy, How energy flows through the food chain, feeding groups, producers, consumers, decomposers, the aquatic food chain, bioaccumulation, biomagnification, animal dentition, biomass pyramids, pyramids of numbers, and much more. This is a fantastic unit for any science classroom.


This unit aligns with The Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core ELA and Literacy for Science and Technical Subjects.


Areas of Focus within The Feeding Levels Unit:

What is Ecology, Concepts in Ecology, Concept-There is no such thing as a free lunch, Energy Comes From the Sun, Food Chains, Trophic Feeding Levels,Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, Aquatic Food Chains, Phytoplankton,Zooplankton, Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Animal Dentition and Skull Features,Carnivores, Herbivores, Pyramid of Biomass, Pyramid of Numbers.


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