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Astronomy Unit Part 7 Beyond the Solar System



This unit bundle includes 8 lessons of about 50 minutes, and 20 page work bundle that has students fill-in critical notes, conduct exciting hands-on activities, answer questions, complete diagrams, research, includes games, built-in quizzes, built-in video links, and much more. The work bundle chronologically follows the detailed slideshow for an amazing learning experience. A 20 question quiz game concludes the learning for a great review and assessment. Everything arrives in editable format and can easily be uploaded to Google Classroom.


This PowerPoint begins describing constellations over a series of color coded slides. An activity has students research constellations (Google Sky Link) and use a push pin to create constellations on the bottom of a 35 mm film canister. A flashlight is the used to generate some constellations on a piece of paper. Some great links to the Hubble Space Telescope that includes images and video links are provided. An emphasis on the Hubble Deep Field Image is provided and neat video links provided. Scientific Notation is then addressed in a step by step process with many questions and answers. Nebula's and Quasars are addressed. Neutron Star and Galaxies are also shown. Some really neat links that explore the Universe are provided. Extra solar planets are addressed with some very large numbers as to the predicted number of possible planets in the Universe. The Big Bang is covered with a neat demonstration with a balloon, followed by the Big Crunch Theory. A link to a video is included. Special and General Relativity and E=MC2 are all mentioned with supportive video links and supportive slides. The links on this PowerPoint are fantastic resources to explore with your students. 


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